• Early Years
  • Nursery
  • Basic School
  • Welcome to our Basic Section

    The primary formative years are set to achieve a secure level of functionality and effectiveness in the core skills which includes: reading, oral and written communication, enquiry and research, and dexterity with numbers. These are the important prime factors, without which further progress in the students learning can be inhibited. Our learning approach includes topics, themes, projects and standardized internationally acceptable best practice of teaching the pupils to acquire knowledge, skills and understanding about their world. They are taught to inquire, use and apply skills learned and develop international mindedness as they explore the global perspectives of various aspect of their learning. The curriculum is a child centered and teacher friendly curriculum. It enable pupils to take responsibility for their learning by being involved in activities such as planning, researching, recording, interacting with teachers and other students, and assessing learning.

    Early Basic (1-3)

    During the early years of basic education, we seek to:
  • We ensure that our pupils receive optimum tuition so as to enhance their general development
  • Basic topics are converted into audio-visuals to ease learning and capture maximum attention
  • We emphasize the importance of developing the core skills in Literacy and Numeracy.
  • We monitor pupils performance and identify the specific needs of the child
  • Provide special tuition for pupils experiencing unsatisfactory performance in class.
  • Ensure our pupils develop the appropriate behavioral skills to make them outstanding where ever they are.
  • Enhance self-esteem and self confidence by providing the right challenges within a well-supervised and caring environment.
  • Senior Basic (4-6)

    Progressing from the achievements in the early Basic Education, the curriculum becomes more specialized, with the addition of new knowledge and skill training as detailed below:
  • The emphasis on the core skills continues, but increasingly, these skills are used to seek out information and solve problems.
  • Increase in demand for self-discipline, responsibilities and personal organization.
  • Introduction to team work and self help activities through class based projects.
  • Exposure to cultural and environmental studies of the environment we live in and the world at large.
  • A solid foundation is created at this level to ensure a smooth transition into the secondary school.

  • Primary/Basic Curriculum

    Our primary/basic curriculum is balanced to produce the best in your child. Our pupils take part in other non academic activities that boost their learning capacities such as excursions, practical workshops, seminars among others. Our subjects in the basic section include the core subjects and complementary subjects:
  • Mathematics
  • English Language
  • Quantitative Reasoning
  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Social Studies
  • Religion & National Values
  • Diction
  • Civic Education
  • Fine Art/ Creative Arts
  • Phonics
  • French
  • Basic Technology
  • Civic Education
  • Igbo Language
  • Phonics
  • French
  • English Literature
  • ICT

  • Comfortable Classes
    Our Culture
    Speech Parlor
    Entrepreneur Trainings
    Term Activity Viewer